Bethany Rich, NP


Bethany Rich (she/her) earned an Associates degree in nursing in 1989, working as RN in acute care settings before transitioning to APRN. She graduated in 2015 from Rivier University with Masters in Nursing.  She has been working as a Primary Care NP for the past 9 yrs.  After her own weight loss journey, she found a passion for helping others with the same health issue. She trained with the Obesity Medicine Association and developed a weight management program at her last practice before joining IGIC. Her approach to medical care is using clinical guidelines along with holistic remedies to treat the whole person. She specializes in the Metabolic and Lifestyle Medicine Clinic at IGIC. In her spare time she likes to spend time with her husband, her two children, family and friends. 


Beena Rajagopal, NP


Samantha Sapienti, NP