Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) is an advanced diagnostic tool used to closely examine the digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach, and parts of the small intestine, as well as surrounding organs like the pancreas and gallbladder. While EUS is an important tool in assessing and staging certain types of cancers, it has a wide range of other applications. It's frequently used to investigate causes of abdominal pain or abnormal findings from other tests, to evaluate conditions like pancreatitis or gallstones, and to understand the extent of certain digestive diseases.

In an EUS procedure, a doctor uses an endoscope that has an ultrasound device attached. This endoscope is carefully inserted into the digestive tract through the mouth or rectum. The ultrasound component produces detailed images of the internal structures, offering more clarity than external ultrasound. EUS can also be used to collect tissue samples for biopsy, helping to diagnose various conditions accurately. The procedure is minimally invasive, usually done on an outpatient basis, and requires some preparation similar to other endoscopic exams. It's important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider, who will provide detailed information about preparing for the EUS, what to expect during the examination, and the follow-up process.


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