Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any additional questions, please call us at (978) 459-6737.
Where can I find prep instructions for my procedure?
You will have prep instructions sent to you through email and mail. A copy can also be found on the Preps page here.
I have questions about my colonoscopy prep!
You can find answers to commonly asked questions about preparing for your colonoscopy here. You can also call the office at (978) 459-6737, select language, then option 2.
What is the difference between a screening and a diagnostic colonoscopy? Will I have a copay or coinsurance?
Screening colonoscopies and diagnostic colonoscopies are performed similarly using the same equipment. The difference is how the procedure is billed to your insurance. Billing will depend on your symptoms (or lack of symptoms) and what your doctor finds during the procedure. A colonoscopy is considered preventive screening if the patient doesn’t have any gastrointestinal symptoms and no polyps or masses are found during the colonoscopy. Screening colonoscopies do not have any copay or coinsurance. If a patient has symptoms or abnormalities found during the colonoscopy, it will be considered diagnostic and your insurance may require you to pay a copay or coinsurance. For more information, click here.
Should I stop my blood thinner, weight loss medication, or diabetes medication for my procedure?
Many of our patients are on blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, rivaroxaban, apixaban, warfarin and others, or are on weight loss/diabetes medications such as Trulicity, Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Saxenda, Rybelsus, or Phentermine. Directions for your specific procedure are mailed to you with the instructions on stopping your blood thinner, weight loss, or diabetes medications on your appointment page. If you have additional questions, you can call us at (978) 459-6737, select language, then option 2.
Where will my procedure be?
We do most procedures at 4 locations: Northeast Endoscopy Center in Lowell (near Lowe’s), Lowell General Hospital, Lawrence General Hospital, and Anna Jaques Hospital. Some procedures and tests, such as hemorrhoid banding, anorectal manometry, and pelvic floor physical therapy, are done at our main office in Lowell. Please call us at (978) 459-6737, select language, then option 2 if you are unsure of your procedure’s location.
What should I bring to my first appointment?
Please bring all of your insurance cards (including pharmacy benefits card) and a list of your medications. Please also make sure you have filled out the forms here.
Do you do infusions for inflammatory bowel disease?
Yes, we do infusions of IV medications in our office in Lowell. These include medications such as infliximab (Remicade), vedolizumab (Entyvio), iron infusions, and others. If you are starting an injection medication such as adalimumab (Humira), ustekinumab (Stelara), or risakizumab (Skyrizi), we will teach you how to do the injection as well. Our nurse can also perform injections for you in the infusion center. Read more about our Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center here.
What is the Patient Portal?
The Patient Portal is a secure, HIPAA-compliant website that allows you to check your test results online, as well as to send messages to your doctor and other medical staff. You can reach the Patient Portal here. See commonly asked questions about the Portal including how to sign up here. Please note: the IGIC Patient Portal is not the same as Tufts/Lowell General MyChart. You will need to sign up separately to access your IGIC-specific results.
Are there any changes due to COVID-19?
We take your health very seriously and are following all local- and CDC-recommended measures to reduce everyone’s exposure to COVID-19. If you are having any symptoms concerning for COVID-19 such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, or fever, please call us at (978) 459-6737 to reschedule your appointment.