Procedure Preps

Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions

General instructions for colonoscopy preparation are included below.

For instructions specific to you, especially regarding blood thinners and other medication-related questions, please your Appointment Page and/or check with our office. Please note - if you do not pick up your prescription right after booking your colonoscopy, your prescription may be reshelved. If your prescription is not at the pharmacy as expected, please ask the pharmacy to check if it has been reshelved.

Please read the prep instructions at least one week in advance as some procedures require multiple days of preparation.

If you do not follow the instructions exactly, your procedure may have to be cancelled upon arrival.

SUTAB Colonoscopy Prep

SUTAB Instrucciones de Preparación Para Colonoscopia (español)

MiraLAX Colonoscopy Prep

MiraLAX Instrucciones de Preparación Para Colonoscopia (español)

Upper Endoscopy & Other Preparation Instructions

General instructions for other procedures, including upper endoscopy (EGD), ERCP, flexible sigmoidoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), manometry, and pH testing are included below.

For instructions specific to you, especially regarding blood thinners and other medication-related questions, please your Appointment Page and/or check with our office. Please read the instructions at least one week in advance as some procedures require multiple days of preparation.

If you do not follow the instructions exactly, your procedure may have to be cancelled upon arrival.

To schedule your procedure,
call us at 978-459-6737.